Twelve Bar Basic Blues Metronome Progressions Training Video 100Bpm Key Of Eflat With Piano Roll

This music practice video is designed to aid in any musician’s chord progression and rhythm training. While this video specifically focuses on the twelve bar blues, the metronome training aspect of it teaches more than simply this basic blues progression. Metronome training is extremely helpful for any musician to keep their own rhythm and avoid problems like rushing the beat. This video focuses on playing in the Key Of E Flat Major, with the aid of a piano roll, at a tempo of 100 beats per minute. This is considered to be a Andante Moderato tempo (from the Italian meaning moderately, in the manner of a march).

Twelve Bar Basic Blues Metronome Progressions Training Video 128Bpm Key Of Eflat With Piano Roll

This music practice video is designed to aid in any musician’s chord progression and rhythm training. While this video specifically focuses on the twelve bar blues, the metronome training aspect of it teaches more than simply this basic blues progression. Metronome training is extremely helpful for any musician to keep their own rhythm and avoid problems like rushing the beat. This video focuses on playing in the Key Of E Flat Major, with the aid of a piano roll, at a tempo of 128 beats per minute. This is considered to be a Allegro tempo (from the Italian meaning fast, quick, and bright).